With overexposure to the sun, the skin starts growing dull. After only 7 minutes of exposure to sunlight, the skin starts getting darker and, in some cases, it also starts burning. Skin tanning and sunburns are very common and if not taken care of, they can prove clinically hazardous to your skin. Tanning can occur due to lack of water and fluid intake and it causes dehydration. Hence skin gets tanned.
Say goodbye to the harming effects of the sunlight with Lee’s Anti-tan Facial.

The sun-tan facial has no side effects and starts showing the results with the first session itself. According to your skin type, we select the polishing packs that help in tanning removal. The tans can also be removed with the help of dedicated machines. Thus, the anti-tan facial removes the unpleasant dark patches from your skin, making it healthier and more pleasing.